Thursday, 28 June 2012

mini update and photo

Hi everyone,
In five days I go for my appointment, THE APPOINTMENT!!! Just thought I would share a quick update with you - my teeth huuuurt :( They are still incredibly sensitive to pressure, hot, cold, anything, air, food, gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, water, etc etc. Also I am sharing a photo with you all - these are my rubber bands in perspective - see how small they are!!! That's why it hurt so much when my teeth were first starting to pull!
And yes this is completely un-blog-related, but Scoobie says HI!

And that his waggy tail is evidence that he secretly loves his turtle coat: I call him teenage mutant ninja scoobie

See, what an awesome little update - I bet you werent expecting doggie photos!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Faith, I live in the UK and had my first appointment for Invisalign last week. Have you got any updates? Has your treatment finished now?
    Reading your blog really excites me as your teeth look amazing, what a difference!
    Tally x
