Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Set 8 Progress Report

Hello everyone, sorry it's been a while, things have been so busy - work, the business, and running errands/doing favours for people, what can I say, I'm highly in demand and a hard worker!

I am onto day 5 of my eighth set of Invisalign Aligners, and everything is going well. Now, as I always comment on the pain factor, or lack thereof lately, you will be pleased to know, that this set was the most painful I have had in a while! I can really feel the pull on two different teeth - it's a sure sign it's working! One tooth is throbbing today, I think it's taken exception to being forced to be different, heck, I know I would!!

I finally rung my Orthodontist and discussed the whole thing about my appointment this time being two days earlier than all my others - this is explained better in previous blog entries. Anywho, he told me that he was happy for me to wear both set 8 and set 9 for 13 days instead of 14, since my progress is so good. Now, I got excited at this! You un-invisalign people probably won't understand, but two days is a huge difference to treatment time, considering if you don't wear your aligners for a minimum of 20 hours a day you may need time added on! So in my book, two days taken off for "good behaviour" is swell!!

I am really starting to notice the differences in my bottom teeth, they seem much straighter now! But in other news, I am struggling to find a good whitening toothpaste, any suggestions? Even though I am brushing my teeth sometimes 5x a day, they refuse to look any whiter or cleaner - I think I may have to shell out for a professional whitening when my treatment is done, since I am so obsessed with "perfect teeth".

Stay tuned people, there is always more teeth-ramblings to come!!

Faith :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Crest 3D White works really well for me; I've used it for a few months now, and I love it!
    It does seems to whiten the best when used several times a day though :)

    You're teeth are looking great, by the way!
