Friday, 13 January 2012


OK OK OK I am a BAD blogger! Sorry to my followers who have had nothing to follow :(
I will give everyone a huge update shortly.
I am, to cut the story short for those of you who are impatient, up to set 14 of 14 for the bottom, an have to wear these for at least another 9 weeks until my tops are more towards finished. Set 14 on top I will wear for an extra week, and then move on to 15 16 17 etc. I am so happy with the progress!
Or, Blog to you later!
Faith :D


  1. I have really enjoyed reading your blog! Thank you so much for sharing all this useful information :) I have one quick question for you: Did Invisalign change the way you talked at all when you first got them on? Like a sort of lisp or anything?

  2. Hi, Yes, unfortunately it did, I can get R and L a bit munted, like, LUSH and RUSH. Only did that once but it was so embarrasing! I'd like to think it gets better but maybe I'm just used to it... But it's a small price to pay. Actually, over the phone, peopl think my name is Stace not Faith. Stay tuned, I promise I will write again soon :)
